Visit of Vice-President of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Professor Lam Kin Yong

On September 17, 2019, NESKyivSRI location at the Space Research Institute of the NAS of Ukraine and the State Academy of Science of Ukraine was visited by Vice President of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) for Research and Innovation, Professor Lam Kin Yong.

Professor Lam’s initiatives at Nanyang University are in line with the NoosphereEngineeringSchool concept, so it was very exciting for the school’s mentors to share their experiences with a foreign guest.

Professor Lam has initiated the introduction in Singapore of a special form of interaction between government, academic institutions and private commercial companies, which involves the introduction of corporate labs at university level. The professor has also played a key role in launching postgraduate programs with the Technical University of Munich, the University of Cambridge and the University of Jerusalem.

During the visit, representatives of Noosphere Engineering School presented to Professor Lamu student projects and discussed innovative forms of extracurricular training.

By the way, Nanyang Technological University is one of the two largest research universities in Singapore and one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, in 2019, NTU was ranked 11th among the best universities in the world by QS University Ranking and was recognized as the best among young universities in the world.

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