Main organization: SRI NASU-NSAU
Project Manager: Lavrenyuk Alla Nikolayevna
Development DGRID- system with the use of intellectual highly effective information technologies on the basis of the accessible open standard protocols of interaction and program components, methods of predicting the productivity of the distributed system, monitoring of the large distributed systems.
The development of the effective intellectual user’s interface, that is one of the priority directions of the international frame program FP6, is assumed.
Stages of the project:
- study of existing technologies and program set for organizing the distributed calculations
- study of existing and development of own methods of predicting the productivity of the distributed system, monitoring of the large distributed systems
- design of the architecture of program set for organizing the distributed calculations
- program realization of the architecture of the computing system
- developments of program set in the range of the test network
- Testings of the program set
Program realization of the proposed system will let effectively use free system resources of working stations for the solution of applied problems without the expenditures for the specialized sw/hw interface.