From 22 of October at the Space Research Institute of NASU-SSAU a weekly discussion club (every Tuesday, 1600-1800) dedicated to using the Amazon cloud platform for processing satellite data will start. Club meetings will be held in the form of seminars.
The club will operate as part of a grant from the Amazon Research Program and the GEO Earth Research Group, won by an international consortium led by the Space Research Institute. We have access to AmazonWebServices cloud services to implement a methodology for evaluating sustainable development indicators based on satellite observations.
Issues to be addressed on 22/10/2019 as part of the “Introduction to Cloud Technologies” seminar:
- General information about the grant
- The basics of working with AWS EC2 and S3, the concept of access areas
- Overview of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Public Sources of Data (Feasts) When Working with the Amazon Cloud Platform
- Setting up access to Amazon (Windows / Linux)
All interested are kindly asked to familiarize themselves with the topic of the first lesson and come up with ideas for discussion.